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Wine Tours Madeira

Come and explore one of the most beautifull and exotic Winegrowing Regions in the world! Let us take you on a trip around the famous and secular Madeira wine and the new still Madeira wines: whites, reds and rosés! We will show you a little-known side of the island which is the basis of the international recognition of Madeira Wine! 

Book our Food & Wine Tours in Madeira

For Groups


Reviews of our Tours

"My wife and I decided to take the Food and Walking Tour in Funchal. I never thought I would say this, but possibly too much to eat. A worthwhile tour."
CapCodBlackie “We saw places in Funchal you would never find on your own!” - 23rd October - 5 star rating: Highly Recommended Tripadvisor review 5star rating Highly Recommended

"Amazing tour guide, wines and food...a must for wine lovers and also you get to see unique parts of the picturesque island...impeccable service and loved the fact that we weren't too big a group...highly recommend!"
Petra C “What a fantastic day!” 29th June 2016 - 5 star rating: Highly Recommended Tripadvisor review 5star rating Highly Recommended


Know more about Madeira Wine 



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